Author name: truthlaborg

The case of the Garment Shop Fire

Accounts of an incident from the word of a witness and a victim is considered a key evidence for an investigation. But it is paramount to test the reliability of the said statement, and ensure the facts align with the presented evidences. However, in some cases, the individuals not only provide murky statements, but intentionally make an effort and to bulldoze the case. Typically, this is prevalent in cases where the victims/ witnesses are involved in underhanded activities that could be uncovered by the investigation.

Truth Labs was approached with a case concerning insurance claim by a garment and textile proprietary firm owned by a formidable woman. A force so reckoning, even investigators could have a chill down their spines in her presence.

In a two story building, the fire had affected floor 1 in an isolated manner. The investigators were shown a scattered pattern of scorched floor along with disturbed furniture and a soupcon of debris deposition not corresponding with the insured claim of destroyed goods.

The victim in question was the owner of the store, who claimed that sometime on a Sunday a significant portion of her stock was burned down and she faced a substantial loss. Unfortunately, there were no records of inventory or any such material evidence as the only available computer, lacked a motherboard and hard disk. Adding to the inconvenience, the CCTV footage for the period of fire was also to be not recorded due to no electricity and the corresponding DVR was sent to a government forensic lab by the police.

But it wasn’t the minimal evidence that hindered our investigators, which was not nearly as impeding as the looming presence of the owner. The interviewing of the witnesses was severely influenced by the owners and her sway over the neighbouring vendors was astonishing. They sounded reluctant and deliberately confused about the events surrounding the fire.

Upon investigation, it was noted that the fire travel path and the burn patterns were unusual and the positioning of the items and clothes as narrated by the insured was found to be discordant with the physical trace of the fire. The reconstructive inference excluded possibilities of electrical or accidental fires. The physicochemical analysis of the debris reported hydrocarbons indicating the presence of petrochemicals. The witness statements were flimsy and uncorroborated with each other.

All in all, the evidences found indicated foul play which was concluded that the fire which has multiple points of origin was initiated by human ignition. Our report then helped the insurance company close their case in a swift and efficient manner

Forensic science sits at the intersection of science, law, policing, justice, government and policy

At the same time, the development, distribution and use of new technology must itself be governed by the rule of law. If used improperly, technology can pose a threat to the rule of law. Additionally, data privacy is part of an individual’s right to privacy and should always be protected when creating new applications.

Science is the systematic approach that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe. Law, on the other hand, refers to the system of rules which have been laid down by the social institutions to regulate the actions of members and it may enforce such behaviour by the imposition of penalties.

However, with the growth of scientific and technological advances, law, and science, the two disciplines became interdependent on each other. The law also plays an essential role in the development of innovation and promoting technologies through legal doctrines and mechanisms. The most important aspect relates to intellectual property, by which the law gives the investors and creators a time-limited exclusive right to commercially exploit the output of the work of their workers. The main objective of protecting intellectual property is to promote innovation, by giving researchers, and authors economic incentives which will aid them to create new inventions and works.

New technologies cause fundamental challenges to traditional doctrines. For example, digital information might not be adequately protected by old traditional laws and it requires the copyright owner to bring a lawsuit alleging infringement. Because unlimited copies can be made by simply uploading material on the internet and thereafter, legislatures and courts have extended more copyright protection for digital data. There also exist challenges in adapting patent law to genetic discoveries. Patenting genes have raised numerous scientific, legal, ethical and practical complexities that established patent law not yet equipped to address.

Age of Ink

Determination of Age of Ink is difficult but not impossible at least in some cases with adequate evidence for comparative analysis available to understand the backdrop. So, let’s look at what ink, paper, environment in which the writings were stored, etc., and based on that, how we could attempt ageing it.

Ink is said to have been developed by the Egyptians and the Chinese around the same time in the 23rd century. The components ranging from dyes and pigments mixed with stabilizer polymers, liquid solvents, fillers.

To determine the age of ink the factors to be considered are ink composition, paper properties and exposure to light and humidity. It is nearly impossible to control or even know the storage conditions for documents.

One of the techniques to determine age is to identify the ink’s composition. By doing so, a comparative analysis is run with the manufacturer’s composition which can be estimated for the year of manufacturing. So, if a document is claimed to be made in 1997 but the ink on the page matches with components manufactured in 2007, the document is fraudulent.

Gas chromatography- Mass spectroscopy is the current widely accepted method for testing age of ink, but this would involve a portion of the written ink to be destroyed in the process. Hence, this is not recommended or commonly performed for cases.

Determination of the age of paper is an approximation process that is still experimental. The various components in the paper can be analyzed for their paper dating. The methods being experimented on include colour analysis of the paper for gray level, RGB and HSV analysis. Optical Brightening Agents in Paper can also be analyzed to check for the period in which the document was produced. Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) can be used for measuring nano-sized water-filled pores of cellulose fiber on the papers.

There are various other methods, but the cost to result ratio is not promising for a commercial purpose. In legal scenarios, we require an accurate result, and since that is not possible, Age of Ink and Paper is a futile exercise.

Economic offences and organised crime

Economic offences and organised crime landscape across the globe including India has changed drastically in the past decade -in large part due to advancements in technology. Criminals quickly adopt and integrate new technologies into their modus operandi or self styled novel business models are woven around them. The use of new technologies by organised crime groups (OCGs) has an impact on criminal activities across the spectrum of white-collar crime and organised crime. This includes expansion of online trade and widespread availability of encrypted communication channels, as well as other aspects of technological innovation such as more accessible and cheaper drone technology, and advanced 3D printing technologies.

Today technology has become a key component of most of the organized crimes, if not all, and criminal activities carried   out by organized crime groups in India has afforded an unprecedented degree of flexibility to carry out phishing/ vishing/ online seams within and across border. Economic offences and organised crime has become a key threat to the national security and public safety in India. Criminal groups and individual criminals continue to generate large turnover in terms of cash profits from their activities each year. Some aspects of the organised  crime landscape have changed drastically in recent years

—In large part due to advancements in technology that have had a profound impact on the involvement of criminal gangs spreading across wider society and economy.

In a recent survey based study by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) and SAS (statistical analysis system) among its members worldwide, it was revealed that Data Analytics Apps proved indispensable in helping businesses across industries control/ effectively deal with pandemic-driven fraud. The benefits were particularly evident in banking and financial services. Almost half (45%) of banking and financial sector survey respondents reported that the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated their organizations’ use of data analytics to combat fraud. Nearly all (99%) indicated their analytics capabilities helped them boost the volume of transactions involving suspected fraudulent cases identified.

Cyber crime : Current and Emerging Threats

All over the world, societies are increasingly reliant on the identification information. Identity-related information about individuals is used e.g. for banking, shopping, traveling, and collecting social assistance. Increasingly, such information also includes biometric information. The more our society becomes computerized, the more avenues are open for criminals to exploit the vulnerabilities of those systems to commit identity-related crimes, which generate significant profits for criminals each year, with a far-reaching impact not only on economies and online commerce but also on individuals who fall victim to it. Where
identity-related information is obtained by criminals, it can be abused to launder money,  commit fraud and enable illicit activities for organized crime purposes, including acts of corruption, human trafficking, migrant smuggling, and even terrorism.

Millions of dollars can be stolen using false identification either in highly sophisticated single events or through millions of smaller incidents. In the hands of unscrupulous criminals, these illegally derived profits can be used to commit further crimes.

Recent Global meeting of INTERPOL

The meeting held in 22nd October at Delhi highlighted the global crime trend in 195 member countries to map out current and emerging threats worldwide. Financial and cybercrimes are found to be the world’s leading crime threats and also those projected to increase most in the future. The findings that are part of INTERPOL’s first-ever Global Crime Trend report saw more than 60 per cent of respondents rank crimes such as money laundering, ransomware, phishing and online scams as high or very high threats which are prone to increase in the next three to five years.

Most disturbing is perhaps the related rise in online child sexual exploitation and abuse (OCSEA), which 62 percent of respondents expect to increase or significantly increase – the third highest-ranking future crime threat. The demand for, and production of, OCSEA materials also increased significantly during the pandemic. While drug trafficking has traditionally dominated crime threat lists, cyber- enabled financial crime has increased precipitously in recent years, notably throughout the pandemic and during and following lockdowns, rates of digitalization accelerated, with professional and personal activities performed almost exclusively from home and online.

Growing trend of cyber enabled financial crimes

Crime has also moved online, and cyber-enabled financial crimes, such as business email compromise, CEO fraud (where cybercriminals impersonate executives), e-commerce scams and investment fraud, have escalated in nearly every region. Today’s ransomware attacks target ‘big game’ targets, including major corporations, governments and critical infrastructure. To maximize harm and illicit profit, strategies have shifted to techniques like double extortion, where victims’ data or files are both encrypted and threatened with public exposure, compounding the risks of business disruption and reputational damage.

While world governments have their hands full dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, shady cyber heist operators are busy working the other way creating a vast fortune, to the tune of $6 trillion by 2021 end alone.

If that total amount is a country’s GDP, it’s next only to the income of the US and China as all of us know India is at $3 trillion mark and planning to touch $5 trillion in next 5 years after crossing the economic indicators of Britain.

Technology keeps evolving at a rapid pace, so do cybercrooks. Apart from newer forms of cyber threats, even the oldest tricks in the book are not completely useless for these cybercriminals. They take these tricks out of the box and make modifications and updates to bypass security measures especially created for them.

Truth Labs has performed a number of forensic investigations of financial fraud and accounting for public sector and corporate clients.

A Case of the Guilty Call Records

Crimes against women have troubled our society for ages. Nearly 30% of the women in India have been victims of domestic violence based on an NCRB report in the year 2021. Many more of the incidents are known to go unreported and without justice.

There has been a noted increase in the use of electronic evidence as proof in such cases, even if gathering the same is not necessarily straightforward.  In cases where evidence is gathered successfully, it need to be subject to authentication to ensure its validity for presentation in court, including verification of their source.

In one such example audio video experts at Truth Labs analyzed a mobile device belonging to a woman victim of abuse, where audio recordings were said to be recorded.

The audio was extracted using Forensic Tools and was further subjected to technical analysis utilizing audio analytical tools and critical analysis by way of critical listening, concluding that the audio files in question were authentic.  It was also determined that the source of the audio was the mobile phone itself hence, a 65B certificate was provided, along with the report of authenticity.

The audio clips found on the device were indicated to be recordings of the woman’s parents-in-law and husband being verbally abusive to her and her child. This also corroborated with other evidence of physical abuse. The report of audio authenticity allowed the woman to seek justice with her legal case.

The Power of Statement Analysis – A Case of Forensic Linguistics

The legal profession has an unfamiliar companion in its pursuit of justice and truth; the language used in the communication itself. Even though it frequently goes unnoticed by the general public, an intriguing discipline leverages the power of words known as ‘Forensic Linguistics’ which combines the study of language and its application in police and forensic investigations. 

Forensic Linguistics extracts hidden realities in a form that is concealed from plain view. Whether it is an anonymous letter or a disputed confession, the clue can be found in the immense variety of expressions that make up the interaction. Just like the spoken voice, words, colloquial language, and accent can give away from which geographical, regional, or ethnic community the person is from; there would be an influence of our native speech when we tend to put down something; be it written or verbal. In other words, the style of writing or the manner one speaks is as distinctive as fingerprints. The choice of words reveals a lot of cues. 

From the minor punctuation to the often-repetitive term one employs are all vital hints. In addition to identifying the author, forensic linguistic probes into the emotion or intent of the instigator. For instance; emotive or evocative dialects may convey feelings of rage and the usage of ellipses can suggest hesitation. 

In the era where digital interaction is dominant, the genuine identity of a person may be concealed by online communication like emails and social media posts. But Forensic Linguistics effectively pierces through these digital veils to divulge people who wish to stay anonymous. It is also a powerful ally in the field of cyber security and fraud prevention. 

These seemingly routine electronic messages exchanged through emails or social media contain solutions to complex legal cases. 

 In one such case of piracy where an individual had adeptly utilized his skills in technology to incorrect ways by fraudulently creating an alternate website to fill in details and bypass the authentication of a public transport booking site. This website enticed citizens who preferred to take the quickest route to avail facilities of online booking of tickets even if it was not official. In this case, the law enforcement officials investigating the case approached Truth Labs to procure an opinion based on language and writings. The experts at Truth Labs used Forensic Linguistics to ascertain the authorship of the person who created pirated websites and content pages. An array of scientific techniques were employed to analyze written communication. Linguistic profiling was done where the nuances in vocabulary were looked into, the idiosyncratic features were decoded and the style of writing was identified. The scientific prowess with keen observation, giving importance to even the smallest punctuation fixed the language puzzle pieces in turn disclosing the authorship of writing. 

The Crucial Role of Expert Testimony in Upholding Truth and Justice

In the realm of justice, achieving truth and fairness relies on a delicate equilibrium between evidence, legal arguments, and expert testimony. Expert testimony, an invaluable form of evidence, plays a pivotal role in ensuring that justice prevails, victims find redress, and legal verdicts align with the law. Throughout the process of forensic analysis, encompassing data collection, preservation, analysis, and maintaining the chain of custody, this role becomes even more pronounced. 

Expert Medical Testimony is a linchpin in numerous criminal and civil cases, especially those involving personal injury, medical malpractice, or criminal acts. These specialized testimonies draw upon the wisdom and expertise of recognized medical professionals in their respective fields. Similarly, experts in various forensic sciences contribute their insights, interpretations, and opinions based on their specialization, often significantly influencing case outcomes. 

The journey commences with meticulous data collection, a foundational step in expert medical testimony. Whether it’s evidence from crime scenes or medical examinations, precision and attention to detail are paramount. Collaborative efforts of forensic experts and medical professionals ensure no detail goes unnoticed. Every sample, photograph, and document is handled with care to preserve its integrity, as any lapses can jeopardize evidence and lead to miscarriages of justice. 

Preservation of collected evidence becomes paramount after data collection. This process guarantees that biological samples, documents, and both digital and physical evidence remain unaltered and uncontaminated until presented in court. Proper storage, sealing, and labeling are essential to maintain the chain of custody and establish evidence reliability. In cases involving DNA or blood samples, even slight mishandling can render the evidence inadmissible. 

Expert medical testimony often pivots on forensic analysis to unearth the facts. Specialized professionals, such as forensic pathologists, toxicologists, DNA analysts, cyber forensics, and audio-video forensic experts, are summoned to examine the evidence, provide interpretations, and draw conclusions. Their work merges scientific expertise with legal scrutiny, and, in many cases, this analysis definitively connects suspects to crimes or proves the innocence of accused individuals. 

Once forensic analysis concludes, experts must craft comprehensive reports, acting as the bridge to the courtroom. These reports elucidate findings, methodologies, and conclusions, serving as critical tools for attorneys and judges to comprehend complex medical and scientific evidence. A well-structured, transparent report can be the linchpin of successful expert medical testimony. 

Throughout this process, the chain of custody acts as a legal safeguard, documenting evidence handling from collection to presentation in court. It’s indispensable for establishing evidence authenticity and credibility, ensuring it remains untampered, uncontaminated, and properly managed. The chain of custody upholds fairness and integrity in the judicial process. 

Expert medical testimony plays a transformative role in the pursuit of justice. It determines guilt or innocence in criminal cases, aids victims in seeking compensation and closure in civil matters, and holds medical professionals accountable for malpractice, protecting patient rights and well-being. 

In the intricate web of the legal system, expert testimony serves as a beacon of truth and justice. From data collection to the chain of custody, each step in forensic analysis ensures accurate evidence preservation and presentation in court. Expert medical testimony, backed by forensic professionals’ expertise, delivers justice, holds wrongdoers accountable, and upholds the legal system’s commitment to truth and fairness. It transcends being a mere courtroom witness; it’s the guardian of justice itself. 

Truth Labs has an impressive track record, with experts providing testimony in over 6000 cases during the past 15 years. They cover a wide array of areas, including questioned documents, signature forgery, alterations, document tampering, disputed fingerprints, audio and video authentication, medico-legal matters, insurance fraud investigations, paternity disputes, physiochemical and biochemical analysis, polygraph testing, ballistics, and DNA analysis. 

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